Conference Programme
Conference Opening and Welcome Address – Opening Plenary Session
Conference Opening and Welcome Address – Opening Plenary Session
Coffee break
Coffee break
Community building under sharing economy paradigm
Community building under sharing economy paradigm
Special sessions H2020 projects – COMPILE, CROSSBOW, FUTUREFLOW
Coffee break
Coffee break
Technical tour 1: Energetika Ljubljana
Technical tour 1: Energetika Ljubljana
More info about the tour.
Paper session 1
Paper session 1
PS 11: System operation, modelling, balancing and AS
- Location: P1
- Chair: Prof. Dominik Möst, TU Dresden
- Location: P2
- Chair: Prof. Irina Oleinikova, NTNU
- Location: P3
- Chair: Prof. Andrej Ferdo Gubina, University of Ljubljana
- Location: P4
- Chair: Dr. James Carroll, Trinity College Dublin
- Location: P5
- Chair: Jan Jeriha, University of Ljubljana
PS 16: Innovative approaches in energy markets
- Location: P6
- Chair: Prof. Margarita Matias Robaina, University of Aveiro
City tour
City tour
Welcome reception, Cocktail event
Welcome reception, Cocktail event
Welcome reception will be in Cankarjev dom (CD) Club.
Paper session 2
Paper session 2
PS 21: System operation, modelling, balancing and AS
- Location: P1
- Chair: Prof. Damir Jakus, University of Split
PS 22: Energy Prices & Forecasting
- Location: P2
- Chair: Prof. Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Location: P3
- Chair: Dr. Laila Zemite, Riga Technical University
PS 24: Innovative approaches in energy markets
- Location: P4
- Chair: Dr. Ruth Domínguez, University of Castilla - La Mancha
- Location: P5
- Chair: Prof. Margarita Matias Robaina, University of Aveiro
- Location: P6
- Chair: Prof. Jorge Mendes Sousa, ISEL
Coffee break
Coffee break
New market developments: energy, CO2 and services
New market developments: energy, CO2 and services
Special sessions H2020 projects – CONSEED, OSMOSE, STORY
Technical tour 2: RCERO Ljubljana
Technical tour 2: RCERO Ljubljana
More info about the tour.
Coffee break
Coffee break
Paper session 3
Paper session 3
PS 31: System operation, modelling, balancing and AS
- Location: P1
- Chair: Dr. Michal Wierzbowski, Lodz University of Technology
PS 32: Energy Prices & Forecasting
- Location: P2
- Chair: Prof. Dominik Möst, TU Dresden
- Location: P3
- Chair: Prof. Jorge Mendes Sousa, ISEL
PS 34: Innovative approaches in energy markets
- Location: P4
- Chair: Prof. Anke Weidlich, University of Freiburg
- Location: P5
- Chair: Jan Jeriha, University of Ljubljana
PS 36: Renewable Energy Sources
- Location: P6
- Chair: Dr. Danijel Topić, University of Osijek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology
Gala dinner, Best paper award
Gala dinner, Best paper award
Gala dinner and best paper award will be held in Intercontinental Hotel Ljubljana.
Paper session 4
Paper session 4
PS 41: System operation, modelling, balancing and AS
- Location: P1
- Chair: Prof. Sanna Syri, Aalto University
PS 42: Energy Prices & Forecasting
- Location: P2
- Chair: Dr. Hasan Fleyeh, Dalarna University
- Location: P3
- Chair: Dr. Daniel Divényi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Location: P4
- Chair: Prof. Marta Ferreira Dias, University of Aveiro
- Location: P5
- Chair: Dr. Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Aalto University
- Location: P6
- Chair: Prof. Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Coffee break
Coffee break
Energy Policy and Regulation design in Europe
Energy Policy and Regulation design in Europe
Special sessions H2020 projects – DOMINOES, InterFLEX, GoFLEX
Coffee break
Coffee break
Paper session 5
Paper session 5
PS 51: System operation, modelling, balancing and AS
- Location: P1
- Chair: Dr. Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, Aalto University
PS 52: Energy Prices & Forecasting
- Location: P2
- Chair: Dr. Hasan Fleyeh, Dalarna University
- Location: P3
- Chair: Prof. Anke Weidlich, University of Freiburg
PS 54: Innovative approaches in energy markets
- Location: P4
- Chair: Jelena Stojkovic, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
Closing ceremony
Closing ceremony
CLOSING EVENT – Barbeque party